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Senior Pet Health Checks

Our team loves welcoming senior pets into our practice, and we are always happy to advise on the best treatment options.

Your pet’s needs change as they age, and it’s important to regularly assess their health and lifestyle and make any adjustments needed to maintain a great quality of life.  

Looking out for age-related conditions 

Old age is not a disease, and there are so many ways that we can help pets with age-related complaints.

These conditions can present as subtle behavioural changes that you may put down to your pet getting older, and there are a few signs to look out for:

  • Sleeping more
  • Being grumpier or less sociable
  • Changes to eating and drinking
  • Being slower on walks or reluctant to exercise
  • Avoiding stairs, jumping into the car or onto fences or high beds
  • Toileting accidents
  • Being more vocal
  • Grooming less and looking scruffy, or grooming too much, causing hair loss and sore patches, especially over joints

How can you help? 

Improving your senior pet’s quality of life doesn’t necessarily have to involve medical treatment, as even simple lifestyle changes can make a huge difference!

Speaking to your vet at regular check-ups is a great way to start supporting your pet through their senior years, as they can advise you on the best ways to keep her happy and healthy.

Our senior health nurse clinics are also a great opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have and learn more about the best treatment options.

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment for your senior pet, please get in touch with us.


Paw Score

Working out which specific areas have changed in your pet can be tricky sometimes. Try using the paw score below to rate how concerned you are in each area of your pet’s health – this can help in consultations as well to explain the changes you’ve noticed to your vet.